Reduce Risk
Proactively protect your business from theft, staff malpractice and other risks.
Employ Confidently
Get informed of employee risk, vet before hiring, and ensure compliance of staff.
Stay Informed
Know how and when loss occurs in your business, from internal and external sources.

Realtime risk alerts
Our alerts and notifications inform you of what is going on around you. Enable your self, field staff to be constantly informed of their immediate local risk. Protecting yourself and your staff against threats is of utmost importance. This is mainly to counter risk to the business from the public, including but not limited to: robbery, fake money, conmen, etc.
Get in TouchLoss and fraud analytics
Our comprehensive analytics suite enables you to keep up to date with the risks and trends in your area and in your industry. Learn the relationships between loss events and benchmark your organizations performance within the industry. Catalogue internal loss events and profile the risk of departments, branches, and locations.
Get in TouchEmploy with confidence
Our platform enables you to work with new staff and new suppliers with more confidence. Vet new hires against known instances of fraudulent conduct, as well as employment history. Check the credit history of new recruits as well as suppliers before on-boarding them. Flag those who engage in fraudulent conduct and deter unwanted behaviour.
Get in Touch